
TMA149 Understanding of November 14, 2020 Rules under New Ontario Covid-19 Reopening Framework and Local Public Health Regulations

The Province of Ontario released its new “COVID-19 Response Framework: Keeping Ontario Safe and Open” on November 3, 2020 and it was revised on November 3.  Under that framework Toronto is scheduled to enter ‘Control (Red)’ classification on November 14, 2020.  In addition the Chief Medical Officers of the City of Toronto and the Region of Peel have made additional orders making the rules in those areas even more restrictive.

Here is a summary of the regions in our local and the level of restrictions as at November 14, 2020:

Protect (strengthened measures) – yellow:

  • Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit
  • Durham Region Health Department

Restrict (intermediate measures) – orange

  • York Region Public Health

Control (stringent measures) – red

  • Peel Regional Health Unit – with additional gathering, dining and closure restrictions
  • Toronto Public Health – with additional gathering, dining and closure restrictions

Further, TMA149 understands the following as it pertains to our membership, for all levels other than lockdown, including the additional measures in Peel and the City of Toronto:

  • Recording studios, concert venues, theatres and cinemas , as well as other spaces, can open for the purpose of rehearsing or performing a recorded or broadcasted concert, sound recording, film/television scorting, recorded artistic event or recorded theatrical performance provided that no spectators/audiences are present, and performers maintain physical distancing (with limited exceptions). In addition, when in Control (Red) status singers and players of brass or wind instruments must be separated from other performers by plexiglass or some other impermeable barrier.
  • For all other restrictions please review the new framework, the additional restrictions in Peel Region, and the additional restrictions in the City of Toronto

While TMA149 understands the need to keep audiences, musicians and other workers safe, we are working with community leaders to advocate for safe priority reopening rules that are economically viable for our sector.  Please see the letters below, one from TMA149, the other from a grassroots collective of member and non-member musicians, acknowledged by TMA149. Both letters  ask for a more fair reopening framework for the performing arts and provide ideas on how reopening can happen for our sector safely

TMA149 met with grassroots leaders and Kevin Finnerty, Assistant Deputy Minister of Heritage, Tourism, Sport & Culture Industries on October 22, 2020.  It was a productive meeting where the ADM Finnerty agreed to bring the grassroots proposal for consideration within the Ministry in preparation for the Ministry to make recommendations to the Public Health Measures Table.  Further ADM Finnerty pledged to include TMA149 Executive Director Michael Murray, who was endorsed a representative by grassroots leaders, in conversations about recommendations.  As of November 11, 2020 Michael has not been invited to any conversations but has had one phone follow-up after the release of the new framework on November 3, 2020.  TMA149 continues to coordinate between grassroots leaders and other TMA149 members and engagers to try and find the best path to a safe, transparent, and fair reopening plan for the performing arts.