Clifford (Kid) Bastien
November 21 1937 – February 8, 2003
(trumpeter, banjoist, trombonist, pianist, drummer) was born in London England’s East End in 1937. He died February 8, 2003 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He was known throughout North America as a great Canadian jazz musician and leader of Kid Bastien and The Happy Pals, a New Orleans style jazz band that was a fixture at festivals and jazz cruises for over two decades, celebrating their 25th anniversary in 1993 at Grossman’s Tavern in Toronto where the band was a mainstay, playing every Saturday right up until and even after Bastien’s death. Kid Bastien immigrated to Canada in 1962 after a stint in New Orleans. Bastien, born Bastin, grew up in London, England, then emigrated to Canada, beginning his marathon Grossman’s run in 1968. He outlasted the club’s constant ownership changes and welcomed guests like Woody Allen onto the bandstand.