TMA149 Members

Anna Ruddick
[if 386 equals=”Yes”] – Private[/if 385]
Business Address:
First Name: Anna Last Name: Ruddick
Full Name: Anna Ruddick
Anna RuddickProfessional Name:
Personal Email:
Business Email:
Home Phone: (647)860-8117
Mobile Phone: (647)860-8117

Web Site:
Facebook Page:
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Anna Ruddick grew up in Regina, Saskatchewan and began her career at age 16, performing with the South Saskatchewan Youth Orchestra. Anna soon advanced to McGill University to complete a Jazz Performance degree, during which time she integrated herself into Montreal’s internationally significant indie rock/pop scene of the 2000’s, parlaying her formal training into a reputation for skill in any musical context she was placed in. Anna has since risen to become one of the most in-demand, versatile bassists in Canada. She has performed on over sixty studio and live records (earning several Junos), and has been toured with a who’s-who of Canadian talent, including Randy Bachman, Bry Webb, Paul Reddick, City and Colour, Fefe Dobson, Amanda Rheaume, Ben Caplan, Erin Costelo, and Ian Blurton.