TMA149 Members

Natalie Lynn MacIntosh
[if 386 equals=”Yes”] – Private[/if 385]

First Name: Natalie Last Name: MacIntosh
Full Name: Natalie Lynn MacIntosh
LovietProfessional Name:
Personal Email:
Business Email:


One of the most valuable commodities for an artist today is being genuine, something that Loviet’s upcoming release, The Nighttime Is All In The Timing, does in spades. The 5 song EP is brimming with music straight from the gut and lyrics scribed with intent, steering away from a polished pop-leaning agenda and head first into honest and unrestricted production. 
 This is aided in no small part by Bradley Hale and Cacie Dalager of the band Now Now, who recorded and produced this soon to be released record with Loviet from their home studio in Minneapolis. The two are no strangers to authenticity and metamorphosis, and this project maintained an artist-first mentality, with the first single “Broken Lips” leading the way. 
 “A smoldering soundtrack to breaking out of cycles, Loviet’s breathtaking “Broken Lips” is an exhilarating indie pop upheaval: A cinematic anthem of soul-searching, inner reckoning, and emotional release” – Atwood Magazine 
 This Toronto based artist is independently expanding on her body of work – Everyone Knows The Thrill When It’s Over (2020), 777 (2021) – and bringing her profile into focus following features in C-Heads, Wonderland, Notion, and Atwood last year.