TMA149 Members

David Skolnick
[if 386 equals=”Yes”] – Private[/if 385]

First Name: David Last Name: Skolnick
Full Name: David Skolnick
Professional Name:
Personal Email:
Business Email:
Home Phone:
Mobile Phone: (647)765-5595

Web Site:
Facebook Page:
Twitter Feed:
Youtube Channel:
My Instagram:

David’s biggest passion has always been to create and play music that moves people and to teach others to do the same. Trained classically on the piano from age 7, David began to expand his repertoire to jazz, pop, rock and bossa nova in high school. Throughout university and beyond, David loved exploring music from other cultures, such as klezmer, salsa, Turkish folk, and French chanson.

David holds a Bachelor of Education with a specialization in Music and is a member of the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) with experience teaching in the Peel District School Board.

David has been entertaining audiences all over the GTA on piano, accordion, guitar, and vocals, as a solo artist and also in various duos and bands.