TMA149 Members

Courtney SM Bowles
[if 386 equals=”Yes”] – Private[/if 385]
Business Address: 30 Kenmanor Blvd
Scarborough, Ontario M1W1R7
First Name: Courtney Last Name: Bowles
Full Name: Courtney SM Bowles
Courtney Bowles MusicProfessional Name:
Personal Email:
Business Email:
Home Phone: (416)884-6960
Mobile Phone: (416)884-6960


Courtney’s latest single “Whispers” and “Beautiful Daughter” has been played in over 35 Countries in the last month and has gotten 300k streams since it’s release in June 2020.

Courtney is a proud, Canadian made and Ontario born multi-instrumentalist, singer/songwriter and content creator. Courtney released a new single called “Whispers” on Feb 16 about her journey with mental health over Covid 19.

In an era of global discourse, Courtney Bowles smiles at adversity. Born in Scarborough, Ontario this towering, vivacious, 6’2 amazon bares her soul for an audience starved for the more beautiful aspects of life. Courtney is a passionate artist and is adamant about sharing her life experience and memories through music in order to spread joy and encourage self care. Performing and writing various genres, she focuses on Classic Rock, Pop and Country covers, seamlessly slipping her also Multi-genre originals into her sets. Her energetic aura is surpassed only by her unbridled passion to perform. Courtney pleases thousands of viewers on her social media live streams, a lofty achievement for an unsigned and independent artist. In 2020, she had over 200k streams on her Facebook Live performances alone. Her instruments are Vocals, Piano, Guitar, Ukulele and Mandolin. She writes Country, Folk, Blues and Pop music and enjoys experimenting and covering most genres. When Courtney is not on the road performing in Ontario, she instructs students in vocals, guitar, keyboard and performance. Courtney is proud to have tripled her social media presence in 2020 and plans to continue to perform live shows on Facebook and Instagram during the pandemic and promoting herself and her original music independently.