Please join us for a workshop from Philip Varmuza, CPA, CA
Tax Manager
Hogg, Shain & Scheck
Philip will discuss:
- navigating eligibility criteria for Canada Emergency Response Benefit and Canada Recovery Benefit;
- how to help your accountant prepare for tax filing for the 2020 tax year.
The workshop will feature a presentation followed by a question period moderated by Michael Murray, TMA149 Executive Director.
We hope to see many members attend using Zoom Videoconference. Please note only those connecting by computer or mobile device will be able to ask questions using the chat function in Zoom.
Connection Details are as follows:
Topic: TMA149 CERB CRB and 2020 Tax Workshop w Philip Varmuza, CPA CA
Time: Feb 11, 2021 01:00 PM America/Toronto
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 860 2753 2716
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Meeting ID: 860 2753 2716
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