
To our Members,

Advocacy for Extension of the CERB and other Measures

We know the vast majority of our membership faces great uncertainty about when they will be able to return to performing and earning a living. As we indicated in my last update and as many of you have reiterated to me through direct communication, the extension of the Canada Emergency Response Benefit for musicians is the top priority in our community. Both you and TMA149 represented by the Federation joined together with a coalition of performing arts workers in asking for an extension of the CERB until at least the end of 2020 in an April 21, 2020 letter to the Federal Government. You may follow-up this letter by:

  1. Ensuring you and your contacts visit and consider signing the petition to support the extension and other considerations; and
  2. Having your own conversation with your local MP about the importance of the extension. You may direct them to the April 21, 2020 letter for a comprehensive request.

Please note that TMA149 followed up the April 21, 2020 letter to the Federal Government with its own May 13, 2020 letter to the Provincial Government with requests for support in the Province’s jurisdiction. You may wish to have follow-up conversations with your elected Provincial representative, your MPP, about this letter and feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions, comments or suggested additions.

Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy

While the extension of the CERB is our focus, considering the extension of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy has already been announced, we have decided to solicit more information on how members could become eligible for the subsidy both now and in the near future. We will share this information as we receive it. Those who are interested in the CEWS now, and who have access to accounting and legal advice, should speak directly with their accountant and/or lawyer on accessing the CEWS and what impact it may have on your business.

AFM Freelance Fund

Our Federation has launched a Musicians’ Relief Fund dedicated to freelance musicians. Please review the criteria and apply if you need assistance. Please note our members are eligible other than those that continue to receive payments under a Collective Bargaining Agreement. In the case of TMA149 this only excludes core orchestra members of TSO, COC, National Ballet and Tafelmusik, and those with ongoing work in Commercial Announcements.

Emergency Support Fund for Cultural, Heritage and Sport Organizations

The Federal Government has announced how distribution of its special fund for our sector will be distributed. If you or your organization have an ongoing funding history with the Department of Canadian Heritage, Canada Council for the Arts, or FACTOR, there may be support that impacts you in Phase 1 of the distribution. For details please visit this page.

Detailed List of Stage 1 Openings – Music Studios can Reopen

Please note as of May 19, 2020 Music Studios were included in the detailed list of businesses that can reopen under the Framework for Reopening our Province.

Safe Return to Work

As different parts of the community reopen, we are publishing our own recommendations as well as guidelines from our colleague organizations on the safe return to work in the recording and live sectors. Please visit this post for updates.

Mental Health Supports

As this crisis continues Mental Health is of greater and greater concern. Let’s support each other the best we can and know the Provincial Government has listed some great resources here.

May 22 Practice General Meeting – 11:00 AM

As a reminder if you are interested in attending the Online Annual General Meetings next week and you want to try out the technology and get a feel for the meeting style please attend today’s practice general meeting. Please note that General Meetings are quite procedural and much different from the Town Halls that we have been having for Covid-19 Updates. We will hold another Town Hall in June after the General Meetings have concluded.

Topic: TMA149 Test General Meeting
Time: May 22, 2020 11:00 AM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 942 5250 1662

Recording of May 8, 2020 Town Hall

The recording of the May 8, 2020 Town Hall may be found here.

Suspension of Dues Penalties and Reinstatement Fees, Extension of Life Member Dues Deadline

In response to the economic needs of our membership the Board of Directors of TMA149 has decided to make a motion to the membership to suspend all late fees, penalties and reinstatement fees found in Articles 14 1(c), (2), (3), (4) and (5) of theTMA149 By-Laws. This means that if you fall behind on dues you will be able to bring your membership into good standing by simply paying for missing quarters. Further to provide relief for our longest standing and most senior members the Board of Directors has extended the deadline to pay for 2020 Life Membership from April 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020.

TMA149 Health Benefits

Further, although no rule changes were required, the Board of Directors wishes to clarify that all members who have been diagnosed with, or tested positive for, Covid-19 may apply for support to the TMA149 Health Benefit and Extended Health Benefit, as well as the Federation’s Lester Petrillo Memorial Fund for Disabled Musicians.

TMA149 and CFM Office

Our office is physically closed and we are working from home. Although we are still accepting phone calls, mail and courier delivery, we ask that you access services by email whenever possible. Those working please do continue to send contracts, reports, dues and pension contributions.
Please note the Canadian Office of the Federation is open for electronic services and accepting P2 applications by mail for those planning a post-Covid tour.

Covid-19 Update Archive

We are archiving these updates here.

Resource List

We also wanted to repeat and add to our list of additional resources:

Again feel free to reach out to myself or any of our office staff with specific requests including regular business inquiries.

In Solidarity, Michael Murray, Executive Director

Video Link:


10:19:14  From Scott Harrison  To  Michael Murray(privately) : ya, Im here :)

10:27:22  From Dominique Laplante : that is correct number

10:39:42  From Kate Unrau : The covid special media agreement. I have concerns.

10:39:51  From user : Need to extend the CERB..We will need it.

10:39:59  From Brandon Chui : Re: CERB, do you know if one’s eligibility changes if s/he leaves the country for any given period of time?

10:40:26  From Dominique Laplante  To  Michael Murray(privately) : we didn’t receive notice of this meeting until this morning. looked through junk, trash, etc. and nothing there.

10:40:30  From Kate Unrau : The agreement is a little broken. It keeps payroll going for contracted players who have cancellations with the organization in the month following the broadcast, but it doesn’t acknowledge all the people whose work is actually on the material being broadcast. Freelance extras are getting lost in the shuffle here.

10:42:28  From Kate Unrau : Thanks, Michael.

10:42:50  From Scott Harrison :

10:43:03  From Scott Harrison : “You reside in Canada and are at least 15 years old”

10:43:18  From Scott Harrison : no mention of that

10:43:25  From Brandon Chui : What if this person American?

10:44:25  From Linda cara  To  Michael Murray(privately) : April 30

10:45:03  From Dominique Laplante  To  Michael Murray(privately) : didn’t get that on April 30!

10:47:06  From Mic Dim : What about the $40,00 loan? What does that entail?

10:47:15  From Scott Harrison :

10:47:27  From Scott Harrison : From that page: “Can you receive the CERB if you are not a citizen or permanent resident?

Yes if you meet the eligibility requirements, which includes residing in Canada and having a valid Social Insurance Number.”

10:47:32  From Kevin Barrett : Michael – you and the Board and staff continue to do a GREAT job for us.  Thank you!

10:48:46  From Michael Murray :

10:50:01  From Mic Dim : Don’t most bands have independent contractors, so there is no payroll. most musicians are paid on a gig basis

10:51:03  From Mic Dim : musicians are paid by cheque per show, so there is no payroll. So that means no loan?

10:53:18  From Liz Johnston : Just wanted to share some info:   OCSM General Meeting  is now going to meet  May 27-29 on line, from 12:00-2:00 each day, and we are extending our invites to include PC chairs, alternate delegates as well as delegates and anyone else in the orchestra unit who is interested to observe.

10:53:35  From Liz Johnston : VP

10:54:00  From Liz Johnston : YEs

10:54:17  From Liz Johnston : That would be great

10:54:54  From Liz Johnston : We also have our regular business in August

10:55:09  From Liz Johnston : Unknown yet

10:55:15  From Liz Johnston : yes

10:55:31  From Liz Johnston : This will be more of the delegate report meeting

10:56:19  From Ellen Moore : Is there any information about the survival of our major organizations— COC, Ballet, TSO, Mirvish?  Possibility any of these large organizations will not survive?

10:56:21  From Liz Johnston : Yes we are

10:59:38  From Linda cara  To  Michael Murray(privately) : on cp24…Mirvish saying Hamilton will return its run but no date given..just saw it now

11:00:53  From Cala : Thank you Michael & the TMA.  I have to leave early.  Talk soon, stay safe, keep making noise.

11:04:18  From Mic Dim  To  Michael Murray(privately) : Please try to check out any alternative measures for most bands that are not Orchestras, but are Top 40, Tribute, etc. These bands have lost a huge amount of shows. For us example is about 150 shows per year. We can only get CERB individually even though we employ other musicians full time on a independent basis. But there is no payroll, just being paid per show by cheque, however a lot of money has been lost.

11:04:45  From Michael Murray :

11:05:01  From Dominique Laplante : Thanks Michael and TMA for soldiering on in our behalf!

11:05:05  From Michael Murray :

11:05:24  From Michael Murray :

11:05:49  From Patrick Jordan : Happy to say the Tafelmusik management leadership is also doing well.

11:05:54  From Mic Dim : My many thanks to you Michael and everyone who is putting their time and effort into giving us more information.

11:08:00  From Scott Harrison : If you haven’t already, please sign the petition on

11:08:27  From Kate Unrau : Just a comment: I’d love to see online attendance like this as a continued possibility for TMA general meetings, even after COVID. Something to consider down the road… Team TMA is terrific, and it’s great to stay in contact. Thanks again.

11:08:28  From Jay Boehmer  To  Michael Murray(privately) : As well, MPTF elected to pay out 9 performances that were cancelled due to COVID-19

11:08:45  From Linda cara : As President, I would like to thank Michael and staff for the incredible amount of work they are doing for all of us during this very difficult time..thank you also to the Board..everyone has really gone above and beyond

11:09:17  From Jay Boehmer  To  Michael Murray(privately) : Free and open to the public!

11:09:21  From Mic Dim : I agree Kate Online attendance is a great way to give much needed information to many musicians to learn

11:09:27  From Dominique Laplante : ???

11:09:51  From DSW : Thanks Michael!!! Stay Healthy!!

11:10:34  From Maria Pelletier : Thanks, Michael!

11:10:52  From Liz Johnston : Thanks Michael!

11:10:58  From Lorne Grossman : thank you Michael.

11:11:02  From DSW : Where can we find previous town hall????

11:11:08  From Rea Beaumont, DMA : Thanks!!

11:11:16  From Lorne Grossman : bye


Hogg Shain & Scheck

re: The Canada Emergency Response Benefit and Self Employed Members

Hogg Shain & Scheck Letter


TMA149 Town Hall Meeting

Watch Now

Chat Text:

10:07:54  From Kate Unrau : “However, royalty payments received from work that took place before the period for which a person applies for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit do not count as income during that specific benefit period.”
10:08:41  From Kevin Barrett : I’m joining late.  Will that letter Michael as just walked through be available later for a more careful read?
10:09:27  From Jamie Drake : @Kevin:  that letter is on the TMA website, so it’s available to read later.
10:09:28  From Kevin Barrett : My understanding is also that Royalty Payments do NOT count. Nor does the TAC grant
10:09:39  From Kate Unrau : Under “Income Requirements” in the FAQ, the question “What counts towards the $1,000 in income I can earn?”
10:09:52  From Kate Unrau : The $1,000 includes employment and/or self-employment income. This includes among others: tips you may earn while working; non-eligible dividends; honoraria (e.g., nominal amounts paid to emergency service volunteers); and royalties (e.g., paid to artists).
However, royalty payments received from work that took place before the period for which a person applies for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit do not count as income during that specific benefit period.
Pensions, student loans and bursaries are not employment income and therefore, should not be included in the $1000.
Applications will be verified against tax records to confirm income.
10:10:38  From Kevin Barrett : The Toronto Arts Council tells you, when you get the grant notification, that it doesn’t count toward the $1000 limit.
10:14:02  From Michele Jacot : Is the income pre or post expenses?
10:15:49  From Michael McClennan : CRA site says “Pre-tax”
10:15:53  From Brandon Chui :  I have word from my accountant who said she spoke director to a CRA agent:
1. Is the $1,000 gross or net income: It is gross income.
10:15:55  From Kate Unrau : On the FAQ:
10:15:56  From Kate Unrau : Can someone qualify for CERB if they still have a small amount of income coming into their business account as a sole proprietor to pay some of their business expenses (commercial rent, utility costs, etc.) as long as they are not paying themselves any income from the business?
Yes. To be eligible for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit, you must have stopped working as a result of reasons related to COVID-19 and receive less than $1,000 in employment or self-employment income for at least 14 consecutive days within the initial four-week period for which you apply. For subsequent periods, you cannot receive more than $1,000 in employment or self-employment income for the entire four-week period.
10:22:30  From Norman Engel : Music and Sports will not likely resume in the fall according to Media reports and the Premier
10:22:49  From Jay Boehmer  To  Michael Murray(privately) : YouTube video provided by Chris Birkett is a video of him performing an original song related to Earth Day. (Recently uploaded.)
10:22:50  From Michael Murray : Maggie’s Contact
10:23:19  From Scott Harrison  To  Michael Murray(privately) : The video linked by Chris is a recording of a song [more of a ‘message’, not substantive]
10:23:46  From Chris Birkett : I was talking to Adam Vaughn last night. Apparently there is a limit to funds from the government. So I suggest that we claim a.s.a.p.
10:24:42  From bethanybergman  To  Michael Murray(privately) : Did you address earning up to 1000 but still be eligible for the whole 2000 CERB
10:25:22  From brian : More specifics about rates for streamed concerts and contracts, thanks!
10:25:28  From Ray Dillard  To  Michael Murray(privately) : no evidence
10:27:21  From Mic Dim : What about streamed Concerts for Top 40 acts or even tribute acts?
10:27:32  From Scott Harrison  To  Michael Murray(privately) : I think we lost your audio for a moment there
10:27:58  From Kate Unrau : yes
10:28:00  From Chris Birkett : Yes
10:28:03  From Norman Engel : yes
10:28:10  From Norman Engel : yes
10:29:11  From Norman Engel : sound is cutting out again
10:29:29  From Ray Dillard  To  Michael Murray(privately) : loosing your audio somewhat Michael
10:29:31  From Mic Dim : Sound is muffled and cutting out
10:29:39  From Scott Harrison  To  Michael Murray(privately) : Conifrmed – audio is sketchy
10:29:54  From Chris Birkett : Where’s the sound engineer :)
10:29:56  From Ray Dillard  To  Michael Murray(privately) : bandwidth issue I think when you screen share.
10:29:56  From Mic Dim : Cant’ understand what you’re saying
10:29:58  From Norman Engel  To  Michael Murray(privately) : sound is cutting out
10:30:03  From Kate Unrau : You’re back!
10:30:04  From Mic Dim : OK again
10:30:05  From Jamie Drake : and it’s back
10:30:08  From Ray Dillard  To  Michael Murray(privately) : better
10:30:33  From Chris Birkett : Could you post all the links on this feed ?
10:30:55  From Michael Murray  To  Ray Dillard(privately) :
10:31:09  From Scott Harrison :
10:31:09  From Michael Murray  To  Ray Dillard(privately) :
10:31:15  From Michael Murray :
10:31:27  From Michael Murray :
10:31:40  From Michael Murray :
10:32:37  From Michael Murray : For full pro audio visual streaming:
10:32:45  From Kate Unrau : The CRA FAQ has literally been updated during the course of this meeting. Clarity around pre-tax/gross/net income, quoted from FAQ: “Small Business owners can receive income from their business in different ways, including as salary, business income or dividends. In determining their eligibility for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit:
Owners who take a salary from their business should consider their pre-tax salary;
Owners who rely on business income should consider their net pre-tax income (gross income less expenses);
Owners who rely on dividend income should consider this as self-employment income provided it comes from non –eligible dividends (generally, those paid out of corporate income taxed at the small business rate).”
10:33:14  From Chris Birkett : How do we save this chat feed ?
10:34:32  From Kate Unrau : I think the info you provided earlier was correct: If you draw salary, it’s pre-tax salary. If you rely on income, it’s net pre-tax income (gross less expenses).
10:34:42  From Norman Marshall Villeneuve : you can copy and paste any portion of the chat feed to a txt document
10:35:07  From Rosina Kazi : but private message are Also saved
10:35:14  From Ray Dillard  To  Michael Murray(privately) : it does look the same for us
10:35:26  From Rosina Kazi : all of it so just saying
10:35:35  From Ray Dillard  To  Michael Murray(privately) : only your private messages are saved when YOU save the Chat
10:35:37  From Rosina Kazi : Don’t talk shit basically
10:35:58  From Scott Harrison : Please let me reiterate that TMA staff is happy to help members with their contracts (be they media or other)
10:36:07  From Mic Dim : The contract link comes up N/A
10:38:10  From Ray Dillard  To  Michael Murray(privately) : IF YOU LIKE:  Please announce that the TMA is constantly analyzing our budget, updating it as appropriate, and looking forward to the situation as it changes. The Exec and Board feel we are in a solid position going forward, and our recent meetings with our accountants confirm this.
10:38:20  From Mic Dim : So who can do Live Streaming
10:39:26  From Mic Dim : If band is doing other peoples music
10:40:58  From Rosina Kazi : this may have been covered but are Facebook and Instagram paying these licenses?
10:41:17  From Rosina Kazi : They are making so much money
10:42:14  From Corey Gemmell : Does a small number of musicians, ie a small chamber group such as a duo or trio, getting together to perform and live stream constitute violating the government’s social distancing regulations?  Wouldn’t want to go against that.
10:44:39  From Norman Engel : time to play duets at 3 metres!
10:44:45  From Norman Marshall Villeneuve  To  Michael Murray(privately) : Mike, Norman Marshall Villeneuve here. I have to leave the meeting.  Maybe the TMA could send the chat to all members by email?  Just an idea.
Thanks for the opportunity to meet. Nice to see old friends.
Please stay safe. Love and peace to all. Norm
10:45:07  From Ellen Moore : Funds still available (non-music related) for parents with kids grade 7 and under in the public school system.  The previous teacher strike days will be compensated to parents at rates of $25-60/strike day, plus a $200 top-up per child.  Applications close four weeks after the agreement is signed, so time will run out.
10:46:17  From Michael McClennan : Would an engager be allowed defer gig cancelation payments (to the fall?) so as not to mess up a performer’s CERB status?
10:46:59  From bethanybergman  To  Michael Murray(privately) : bye, have to go teach
10:47:17  From Patrick Jordan : If we live stream and the engager sells access in excess of 1,000 tickets, would that push us to a different agreement from the limited pressing rate?
10:47:54  From lodewijkvos  To  Michael Murray(privately) : Do we have to re-apply to CERB or will we get it automatically next month
10:48:12  From Ray Dillard : reapply
10:48:15  From moonwatt : you have to reapply.
10:48:18  From Ray Dillard : Each month
10:48:21  From Mic Dim : Only apply every 4 weeks
10:48:31  From Ray Dillard : and only on your specific day
10:48:36  From Ray Dillard : or Fri Sat Sun
10:48:37  From Mic Dim : reapply up to 16 weeks
10:48:42  From moonwatt : correct.  birth month.
10:48:46  From Ray Dillard : birth month
10:49:30  From Norman Engel : all the info for applying is on the My Account website through CRA
10:49:52  From brian : I’ve lost income from gigs that were booked so fit the CERB definition, but my major income is teaching university, where I pay EI; have not been able to get a clear answer as to which to apply for?
10:50:02  From Hans J F Preuss : we are in the second period already, so if you applied for the first period you should be reapplying now and then at the start of each subsequent period
10:50:07  From Chris Birkett : How much do we charge for virtual overdubs
10:50:16  From Rosina Kazi : I have to go! But thank you!
10:51:47  From Mic Dim : Everyone should know you need an account sign up at CRA to get CERB
10:51:48  From chrismckhool : Is there any simple boiler plate contractual cancellation language you recommend?
10:51:58  From Scott Harrison : From member: May minors (who would have toured as part of an act) apply for CERB?
10:52:21  From Ray Dillard : If you don’t have access to your CRA account, you can apply via telephone for the CERB.
10:52:36  From Mic Dim : Oh yes Thanks
10:53:32  From brian : Re EI or CERB, you can’t get through to anyone in Gov’t. The EI application is a lot longer. Yes, my university contract ends April and I’ll still be doing some virtual teaching, and I suppose, the advantage of me applying through EI is that allows room for me to make more than 1k per month if I can swing that?
10:54:43  From Michael Murray : Written offers, including offers by email, shall be provided to musicians no later than ninety days prior to the first rehearsal for a production and shall include all proposed fees, dates and hours of engagement.  Offers shall not be rescinded unless the musician does not reply within five business days of the offer.  In the case that the musician absents themselves for an emergency and/or last minute replacement and/or change in performer due to exceptional circumstances, the offer shall be sent as soon as practical. Any replacement of a musician where the musician does not absent themselves but where Engager replaces the musician shall be compensated for two appropriate.
10:55:04  From Ray Dillard : Brian, I believe EI comes before CERB when you are in the EI system, but CERB becomes available IF you run out of your EI coverage.
10:55:05  From Michael Murray : Date of notice of cancellation = $
10:55:44  From Michael Murray : Deposit upon signing of contract and if cancelled at any time keep the deposit
10:56:06  From Mic Dim : What about Force Majeure? Seems everyone is claiming that
10:57:08  From Ray Dillard : There is also no one single Force Majeure clause!!
10:57:23  From Ray Dillard : They are each unique.
10:58:14  From brian : thanks Ray, and I believe it will be the same amount for this period anyhow (2k) unless you’re earning something; theoretically, EI could pay less even though many of us pay into it.
10:58:50  From Ray Dillard : Brian, I presume that is true. I think EI is relative to each indivi
10:58:57  From Ray Dillard : individual contract.
10:59:13  From Kate Unrau : CERB minimum age = 15
10:59:39  From Jamie Drake : As I understand it, the general CRA advice has been that if you’re not sure, you should just apply to CERB.
11:00:01  From Ray Dillard : At this time, I believe the CERB is only available for four months.
11:00:31  From Ray Dillard : Correct, but there might be MANY periods open.
11:02:41  From Ray Dillard : Thanks Michael!!!!
11:03:02  From Kate Unrau : Thanks for all your time and efforts, Michael.
11:03:05  From chrismckhool : thanks!
11:03:09  From Jamie Drake : Thanks to you Michael and all the TMA staff (and various members who’ve added great info)!
11:03:26  From brian : thanks Michael, Brian Katz
11:03:37  From laurafernandez : thank you so much for this!
11:04:05  From Chris Birkett : Good Bye everyone. Stay safe and well. Btw, the chat feed can be saved with the little 3 dot button to the write of the chat box. Chris Birkett
11:04:09  From Mic Dim : Thanks Michael! Much appreciated for everyone time input!
11:04:26  From moonwatt : thanks, Michael, & all TMA staff!  Shelley
11:04:33  From Patrick Jordan : Thanks Michael, and everyone else.
11:04:37  From Mic Dim : does saving chat save all the chat even after it’s been pressed?
11:04:58  From lbart’s iPad : thanks for the updates , Michael ,, appreciated
11:05:04  From Mic Dim : Oh that’s wonderful! Thanks!
11:05:05  From Norman Engel : thanks Michael
Covid-19 Television Health & Safety Guidance Logo

Guidance on Health and Safety for Television, Film and Live Performance Sector during COVID-19


This is not a legal document and employers are advised to seek legal advice.
Employers and constructors have obligations to protect workers from hazards in the workplace as set out in the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and its regulations and the directives coming from the Chief Medical Officer of Health.

Workers should raise any concerns to their:

  • supervisor
  • joint health and safety committee
  •  health and safety representative

This will help ensure the employer has taken all reasonable precautions.

Ontario is currently in the midst of a global pandemic. While the COVID-19 situation is changing rapidly, the legislation and regulations used to govern Ontario’s workplaces are not.

Under Ontario law, employers have the duty to keep workers and work sites safe and free of hazards. Workers have the right to refuse unsafe work. If health and safety concerns are not resolved internally, a worker can seek enforcement by filing a complaint with the ministry’s Health and Safety Contact Centre at 1-877-202-0008. Failure of the employer or constructor to comply with the OHSA and its regulations could result in a stop-work order upon inspection by the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development.


A new type of virus, known as COVID-19, is causing an outbreak of respiratory (lung) disease. The severity of this illness can vary from person to person. There are steps you can take to prevent the spread of infection. This document provides information to help you while working during the COVID-19 pandemic.


COVID-19 can cause a range of symptoms, including fever, cough, sore throat and shortness of breath. These symptoms can appear in a few days or up to 14 days after being exposed to the virus. For some people, the symptoms are like having a cold; for others they may be severe or life-threatening.

The virus is transmitted via droplets during close, unprotected contact with an infected person, or by touching an infected surface and then the mouth, nose, or eyes.

Keeping safe at work involves understanding how employees could come into contact with COVID-19 as they perform their jobs, and then taking steps to minimize contact.

People working as program hosts, reporters, performers, writers, technical crew, wardrobe and make-up stylists, admin staff, sales and marketing staff are just some of those in the TV, Film, Live Performance Sector who need to consider how they can work safely and prevent COVID-19 from spreading.

In addition, employers should advise these workers to complete the online self-assessment or call either:

  • Telehealth: 1-866-797-0000
  • their primary care provider (for example, family physician)


Here are a number of options for protecting Television, Film and Live Performance workers from exposure to COVID-19:

  • Postpone non-essential projects and tasks.
  • Limit entry points and control how many people enter the site at one time, who they speak to, and what they handle.
  • Have all employees and visitors wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available, before entering the workplace, after contact with others, or with surfaces others have touched. Be sure to include handwashing before breaks and at shift changes, etc. Be sure to keep an adequate supply of soap, paper towels, etc.
  • Control who comes into your facility, who they speak to, and what they handle. Control activities may include informing, screening, and hand washing or sanitizing before coming on site. Check the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care website for screening guidelines.
  • Screen workers regularly for health issues. If anyone develop symptoms of COVID-19, implement procedures for reporting the illness and keeping the worker away from others.
  • Limit the number of people working in one space. This also applies when travelling to different locations. Stagger shifts and break times. Encourage social distancing during lunch breaks.
  • Keep people a safe distance apart by using floor markings, installing barriers and partitions, and changing the work layout where possible.
  • Replace buffets with wrapped food items.
  • Train employees on possible COVID-19 transmission points, steps being taken to protect them, and how to protect themselves, including frequent hand washing or sanitizing, and not touching their face.
  • Clean the workplace thoroughly and often, especially frequently touched surfaces. Pay particular attention to props, equipment, sets, and common areas (entryways, washrooms, kitchen, etc.).
  • Avoid face to face meetings and consultations. If you must meet, maintain a physical distance.

As a last resort, consider personal protective equipment (PPE). PPE is effective only if appropriate to the situation and people wear it correctly. Ensure PPE training includes the fit, use, care, putting on and taking off, maintenance, cleaning and limitations of the PPE.

Disposable gloves are one example of PPE that can help limit contact with surfaces that may be infected. Implement safe practices for changing gloves, such as if they are torn or dirty and disposing of them.

Respiratory protection is not the first line of defence against COVID-19. Please continue to monitor Public Health Ontario for respiratory protection advice.


COVID-19 has presented challenges workplaces have never encountered before. Keep in mind that any adjustments made today may need readjusting tomorrow. Look at preventative measures on an ongoing basis, and adjust them if they are not working well enough or causing other issues. For example, are people doing what they’ve been asked to do? If not, what is preventing them from doing so? Can you make adjustments and improve?

For anyone who thinks they may have been exposed to or are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, please start by visiting the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care website and taking a self-assessment: Please do not visit an assessment centre unless you have been referred by a health care professional. Do not call 911 unless it is an emergency.

For additional information, refer to Health Canada’s website on COVID-19:


Stay updated with daily government updates on COVID-19:
Government of Ontario
Government of Canada
Public Health Ontario

NOTE: This document is intended for informational purposes only to provide an overview of the potential hazards posed in the workplace due to COVID-19. It is not intended as medical advice, to provide a comprehensive risk assessment for all workplaces, or to replace any legislated workplace safety obligations. Due to the ongoing evolution of the situation in Ontario and around the world, this document may be used as a guide for Employers in addition to guidance delivered by public health authorities such as the World Health Organization (WHO), Ontario Ministry of Health, Public Health Ontario and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).” Any use which is made of this document by any Employer, or any reliance on or decisions to be made based on it, are the responsibility of the Employer. WSPS and its partners, officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, suppliers and service providers accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions in content or for damages of any kind or nature suffered by any Employer or any third party as a result of use of or reliance on this communication.